This morning we woke without an alarm. We lounged around and took our time getting ready. Mom used a blow dryer. She was pretty happy about that! We drove up the 3km again to the lighthouse. This time we walked out to it and down behind to the rocky cliffs. This is where the bronze ..
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Mom’s birthday! 🎈🎈 Our original plan was to walk to Finisterre. Last time too. Unfortunately time becomes a bit of an enemy when there are so many places you want to get to on foot, but only have a limited time to do it. So we decided to drive. We rented a cute little fiat. ..
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This morning we collected our compestelas. We were at the pilgrims office by 8am and there was already a large lineup. We waited for about 45 minutes until our turn. This time, my Latin name came out as “Sionnam”. Different than last time. Odd. We left the office and headed directly for the church. We ..
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Today we completed our walk. Our alarms were set for 5am and when they sounded we didn’t get up. There was a storm outside and there was a downpour. The first rain that we have seen on this trip. We reset them for 6am and even then didn’t get up. We finally packed up and ..
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What a day! Last night the sweet lady from the front desk found us and told us that the ferry company had called and bumped our 7am seats into the 9am run. I wasn’t disappointed. We slept until 7:10 (glorious!) and leisurely packed our packs. At 8am we went downstairs and they opened the breakfast ..
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Holy darkness Batman! That’s what I was thinking when we left the albergue early this morning. Up in the mountains around Armenteira it was pitch black. We used our flashlights to manoeuvre our way through the trails along what we are sure was a gorgeous stream. We zigzagged. We went up. We went down. We ..
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We were up again at 5 this morning and walked through Pontevedra in the darkness. We left our packs at the front desk for pickup in preparation for our big hill climb. It’s really neat walking through the cities so early. It’s very peaceful with the odd leftover drunk from the night before. We followed ..
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Today was a great day. We got up at 5:00 and were out of our hostel at 6:05 again. Yesterday an Asian man fell out of his top bunk across from me. He came hobbling into the kitchen this morning as we were packing up and poured himself a coke. It was pitch black when ..
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Our alarm was set for 5am and we were walking by 6:05. We left our packs again for the pack transportation company to pick up. It’s amazing how much easier and how much further we can go without a pack. We slipped through Vigo’s streets in the dark fog. Hardly anyone was around. It was ..
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Great rest day! We woke up later than usual all on our own. No alarm clock. It was glorious! We quietly took our packs out of our room as not to disturb our 2 roommates that were still sleeping. We went downstairs to the kitchen and finished our pizza from the night before and walked ..
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