Before we came to Makati, I became obsessed with ‘’ which listed and kept me up to date on all of the terrorist acts throughout the world. My focus – The Philippines. That is, I watched it until the site requested a $99.00 annual payment. Then I stopped.
So with the knowledge that terrorist activity is a common occurance here in Manila, (not just the south like Ron liked to tell me) it was only natural for me to have a slight panic at the sound of what I thought was a bombing tonight.
Ron had taken Sydney into the office to brief the second shift on some new computer nerd technology. Karis and I went to pick up some groceries. While standing in line and feeling like a dumbass for once again not weighing and labeling the pricing of my own fruit (the little man had to run back to the produce to do it – again – for me) I was horrified to hear the ‘bombing’. It was SO loud, continued ‘exploding’ for about 2 seconds and it was right outside the front of the grocery store where we stood. There was also extremely bright flashing!
I grabbed Karis by the head and ripped her backwards towards me. Almost ready to throw myself on top of her I look with what I imagine were obnoxiously HUGE eyes at the grocery bagger and the cashier. They both started laughing at me.
“It is OH KAY!” said the grocery bag boy, “IT IS a STORM!”
Thunder. Really, REALLY loud thunder. And lightning.
I was so embarassed.
I’ve heard thunder before, and St. Albert has some LOUD thunder… but not like this. This was louder then I’ve ever heard!
As we walked out of the store I turned around and glanced back at the till. The baggy boy, cashier and everyone in line behind me were all laughing. The must have thought it was ‘the white girl’s’ first storm.
“HIT THE FLOOR!” Shannon