Today was a difficult day. And I did not have a tantrum. In fact, I am pleased to say that I have not thrown one tantrum this whole walk. And today was day seven. We couriered our packs ahead today. We knew it was to be a 30km day and that it would be hot. ..
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There’s some inconsistency in places to stay for the next couple of days. To accommodate for this, today was a shorter day (about 19km) and tomorrow will be a long day, about 30km we figure. The distances listed on the Camino don’t seem accurate. We think that they don’t take into account the distance walking ..
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Today was a great day! We knew that we had pre-booked beds in Viladesuso so there was no concern about that while walking. It started off with a bit of a start with someone banging on our bedroom doors in the middle of the night. Karis and I were in a room together and Mom ..
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Oh what a day! We left our apartment at about 7:45. We were very torn about what to do and where to try to get to. Our first option was to stay in Neiva which was only 9km away. We knew that we would arrive at the albergue early and be guaranteed a room, but ..
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We were woken this morning just before 1am to our roommate packing up to start her walk. How excessively bizarre! She left the room at exactly 12:59. Thankfully we were able to fall back asleep until our alarm at 6:00. We left our albergue and walked about 5km before we stopped for tea and pastry. ..
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It rained through the night last night. Karis and I slept great but the water hitting the roof on our “shed” kept Mom awake. Our alarm went off at 6am and I desperately moaned that we needed another half hour. Thankfully Mom agreed. At 6:30 we were up and all feeling like we had been ..
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Last night was a little rough. First of all, it was so hot in our room. Second of all, a huge party was happening in front of the church throughout the night right outside of our window. And third – our new roommate Tui decided to start hollering at about 3am. She was fast asleep ..
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I have a list of places that I want to see before I die. To be honest, Porto was never on my list but I’m SO thankful that we got to experience it today. I definitely want to come back. We spent the day wandering the twisty cobblestone streets. We poked into little shops, admiring ..
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After 4 years of waiting and planning, our second Camino has finally arrived! This time – the Portugues route starting in Porto, Portugal and finishing once again in Santiago de Compostela, Spain. On Saturday, Karis and I flew from Edmonton to Abbotsford to meet my Mom. The following morning we boarded a WestJet plane in ..
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What a wonderful day. We slept in until nearly 9:00, took our time getting ready. No need to pack up our packs and load them onto our backs. No need for wool socks or boots. I had a new, clean shirt to wear that I had bought yesterday and so did Mom and Karis. We ..
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