So it is nearly midnight on June 9th, 2014 here in Paris and I’m finally taking the time to write about today now that we are settled in our hotel.
After a long flight connecting through London, we arrived just before 8pm. We were happy to discover that our checked poles made it here just fine 🙂 we were fortunate to find a bus right away, leaving for Gare Montparnasse, a train station quite close to our hotel.
Exiting the bus, we hadn’t a clue where we were. We entered the station, trying to read maps, street signs – and it was hopeless. A friendly man tried to help, but that didn’t pan out well!
At this time, I was becoming uncomfortable with the amount of people around, and wanted to leave the station. With absolutely all of our belongings in our packs, I felt too exposed. A group of young adults gathered in the station carrying large crosses and banners, and as they gathered, so did security. We left.
I had a “feeling” that this one street was the right way. We walked. After 5 minutes, Karis was able to talk to a nice gentleman in French, who walked us half way to our hotel, and then showed us a Map to follow for the remainder. The way he lead us – right back past the station. So much for my “feeling” lol
Now, much more confident we continued to our hotel. Or so we thought. Once again we were lost! Thankfully, again Karis was able to speak to a French woman who led us right to the door of our hotel! Friendly people!!
Our hotel is adorable! With multicoloured carpeted stairs, pink printed flooring and wallpaper, and situated on the cutest little street – we are happy!

We had dinner at an outdoor cafe (fabulous minus the ridiculous amount of smokers!) and are now back settled into our room listening to a thundering rainstorm that just began. We opened the windows to let in the breeze and waved at a group of young people having dinner in their apartment across the street. Their music is relaxing… Good to fall asleep to! 🙂