Thankfully the bus trip was fast. Even faster than we thought. Our last leg took an hour.
We exited the bus and followed the long line of people to the pilgrim office. Luckily for us, our albergue (called the Bellari) was directly across the street – easy to find. When booking into Bellari, we had been asked to check in as soon as we arrived, and that we could register at the pilgrim office after dinner as they are open until 10:00. It was now 7:30, and they had held dinner for the late arrivals like us 🙂
There were 16 of us staying there. Canada (us), USA, England, Holland, Australia, Hungary, Spain, Italy and Poland were all represented. We all introduced ourselves and played a game where we would throw a pretend (ball?) to each other and then we’d tell the group where we were from and something about our walk. Karis pretended to get smacked in the face when the man from Poland threw her the ball. Such a card!
We all ate dinner together. We had vegetable soup, zucchini and eggplant quiche, couscous salad, a green salad and a pudding for desert. Very good!
We were happy to see that we were given our own room for three, and headed to the pilgrim office to register. It was such a beautiful night, I wished we had more time to spend. By this time it was 9:30 and after picking up our passports and shells, we had only a half hour until the doors at our albergue shut, and we needed to be inside.
We were back by 9:55, washed our clothes, and went to bed! Excited for our start day to arrive!