Mom’s birthday! 🎈🎈
Our original plan was to walk to Finisterre. Last time too. Unfortunately time becomes a bit of an enemy when there are so many places you want to get to on foot, but only have a limited time to do it. So we decided to drive.
We rented a cute little fiat. We’ve now driven to Finisterre and tomorrow we will go to Muxia. It took us about 1.5 hours to make it here and overall it went well. Quite a few traffic circles (which I generally panic on) but they were mostly slow and uncrowded roads. This fiat though likes to crawl up the hills. She also has some issues shifting. Mom named her Fiona. Karis prefers Jiona.
We checked into the Ancora hotel. Freaking adorable. Our room is pink with silver and green highlights. Flowers, birds and butterfly’s cover the wallpaper. Swan towels holding flowers were on the beds and in the bathroom. Wow!
We walked down to the marina for a Kate lunch/early dinner. Amazingly amongst all the seafood restaurants we found an Italian one. Our waiter didn’t speak English so I acted things out for him.
I wanted to know if there was meat in the dish I was ordering. I asked about Carne and Pescado but still wasn’t sure if he “got it”. I moo’ed and oink’ed at him. He smirked, “no. Cheese.” Perfect 👌🏻
Later on while we were finishing up our meal, Mom went to ask him about directions to the lighthouse. I could see her asking so I jumped up to help. I turned on the light on my phone, slapped it up to my forehead and turned around in circles. He got it! (He actually got it before… she had already typed it up on google translate!) 😂
After a half hour or so at the beach collecting sea glass and wading in the ocean, we made our way back to our room for a bit of downtime. About an hour before sunset we drove the 3km to the lighthouse, climbed up as high as we could go, and watched the sun go down over the Atlantic. They call this, “the end of the world” and it was spectacular. When it finally set, people from all around on the rocks started to cheer. Many pilgrims finishing their walk I should think. Their symbol of completion.
We will go back to the lighthouse in the morning before our drive to Muxia. There is a bronze boot on the rocks where pilgrims burn their stinky clothes. I have a white shirt that isn’t so white now, I may sacrifice it in the morning there.