We were woken this morning just before 1am to our roommate packing up to start her walk. How excessively bizarre! She left the room at exactly 12:59. Thankfully we were able to fall back asleep until our alarm at 6:00.
We left our albergue and walked about 5km before we stopped for tea and pastry. We made the stop a quick one so we could get in more kilometres today. Almost 27 we put in.
The arrows today lead us away from the ocean and in through forest, villages and by many, many gardens. I think we found the lettuce capital of the world!
We were amazed (once again) at how fast they drive in the narrow cobblestone roads. With pilgrims walking on the edge!
We made our way into Esposende and debated outside of an albergue if we should stop there for the night. It was in such a cute area. As we discussed it, the lady working inside popped her head out to tell us she was full.
Well that made our decision easy!
We continued into Marinhas and went straight to the albergue. We were too late. It was full. Thankfully they were super helpful and made a call and got us a room in an apartment above a small cafe and grocery store.
I’m writing this now as I lay in bed in this apartment. Luca and Maria from Italy have one of the other rooms and Ronja and Alena (sisters) from Germany have the other room.
We made dinner in the kitchen and Karis and I went and did a quick walk on the beach as it is just a block away. Beautiful beach!!
We just wrapped up the evening sitting on the deck with our new friends chatting (mostly) about world politics and differences among countries. Did you know that in Germany you CAN NOT have a student loan go over 10,000 euros?? Alena just became a doctor, and that is as much as she owes.
We are closing our eyes now to sleep while feeling a bit stressed. Tomorrow we need to be in Viana do Costelo. Problem – there is a HUGE religious celebration going in there. Everything is booked. We thought we had a room (even double checked the dates) but somehow the confirmation came back for September dates and by the time we noticed – there is nothing at all left.
Our only hope – to make it to one of the albergues that are first come first served in time to get a bed. The great pilgrim race! Which really sucks. Takes some of the joy out of the day seeing, exploring and stopping for tea.
Cross your fingers for us that we aren’t sleeping on a beach tomorrow.