We had breakfast at our albergue in Zubiri this morning, and headed out over the bridge towards Pamplona. It’s really neat how you become a “camino family” with all of the people that you meet. Even the people that we never asked or found out their names – we have names for. The British couple we all enjoy. We just call them “the British”. The German boy with the bad feet (picture in yesterday’s blog) mom has named Rolf. This is now what we call him. The German man who rubbed my legs, We now call him Hans.
Hans enjoys everyone. He is eager to help anyone in need and likes to make lots of friends. When we stopped at a small outdoor restaurant along our walk today, Hans was there laughing, drinking beer (at 11 am) and posing for pictures with everyone. We walked with him for awhile today and he told us about his trip to Alberta a couple years back. He has attempted the camino before, only lasting 6 days. This is his second attempt.
We met a couple from Memphis today. Jeff and Lynette. Jeff is an overweight, nerdy type and Lynette is a slim, beautiful African American woman. He teaches literature in a university and she is a writer. They have 7 weeks to finish the camino, but he has already had to bus (on day 1!) over the Pyrenees.
Our walk today was 24.5km. Our feet are so sore. I honestly can’t convey how sore they are. The extra weight of the pack, the terrain, the different elevations, the distances. Our feet hurt. There were times today where we just HAD to have a break and sit, but to stand again after and start to walk was excruciating! This was the second day in a row that we limped into an albergue hardly able to stand. So thankful for the beds we are given!
We walked into a village called Arre today. It’s like a suburb of Pamplona. They were having a parade as we walked in. We thought at first the music and dancing was to welcome us… But apparently not. Beautiful village!!
As we walked through the streets and entered Pamplona, you could tell that some of the locals weren’t thrilled with pilgrims. A little boy about 4 years old in an Adidas jumpsuit came running out of the building he lived in and yelled across the street for his father. His father was busy singing and didn’t come. Right after, the mother came out dragging his little sister (about 2 years old) along with her, yelling for her husband. As the three of them passed us, the boy threw a small rock at Karis. He missed her at about the same time that his sister (also wearing an Adidas jumpsuit) tried to kick me. The mom said nothing about their behavior. So bizarre, but so funny! We laughed hard at them.
Pamplona is so beautiful. We are staying right downtown in old Pamplona. The buildings, the streets… Amazing to look at. I can’t imagine being in those streets when they release bulls!!
Will try to add pics later. The wifi is so weak here. Off to sleep to hopefully numb the throbbing feet! Morning will come early.