We’ve been to places before this trip that have washrooms that don’t always choose to provide toilet paper, but toilet seats?
It is very rare here to find a toilet that has a seat. Thankfully, the one in our apartment does! But when venturing out, you can almost never find one.
The occasional washroom has 1 roll of toilet paper – in a dispenser out by the sinks. A little more often, you can by small bundles of toilet paper in a dispenser also located by the sinks. MOST often – there is nothing by a bucket.
Ahhh the bucket.
The guys at Ron’s office won’t tell him what the bucket is for. We can only assume. What stumps me, is the SOUND that goes along with this bucket.
When we are in a stall (the girl’s and I all jammed in one together) we can hear this bucket being used. I would like to know where the water comes from?!? The noises heard can only conclude one location… and this disturbs me. There is a constant ‘dipping, filling and pouring’ noise.
We don’t touch the bucket. 
We have learned to fill my purse with toilet paper every morning before we head out. Only took a day or two with none to figure that out!!!
“pee before you leave” Shannon