A couple of years ago as I was leaning over my massage table with my elbow in my clients back, she (Stacy) said to me, “have you heard of this book about a woman who walked across Spain? I can’t remember what it was called but she walked all the way across the country! It used to be a religious walk, but anyone can do it. We read it in my book club. I think it sounds amazing and I want to do it one day!”
We chatted a bit more about it, and right then I knew that I was going to do it too. Maybe when I was 50… or 60…
After she left, I googled “walk across Spain” and discovered what this walk was called. “The Camino de Santiago” or, “The way of Saint James”. There are numerous caminos in Spain, but the main, most talked about route is the Camino Frances. The route that caught my eye the most was this one. Beginning in Saint Jean Pied de Port in the southwestern corner of France, it continues over the Pyrenees mountains and across northern Spain to Santiago. 800 kilometres. This walk is a pilgrimage, and the walkers – pilgrims. The pilgrims can choose where they will stay along the way. Hotels, hostels, bed and breakfasts and Albergues (monasteries and churches) are options. It sounded awesome!
That evening, I mentioned it to Ron and the girls. They thought I was weird.
A couple evenings later, I mentioned it to my Mom. A similar response.
Over the next year, I would google it, YouTube it, read about it in books, and talk more about it with Stacy. On a trip home to Lillooet one day to visit my Mom, I asked her to do it with me. Again, she blew it off as a strange idea. Over the next week, we talked about it a bit, and then – I caught her googling it. That was when I knew it might happen. She said, “why not! Let’s do it! Who cares if people think we’re crazy!” Karis chimed in that she would like to go, and Sydney – she stayed strong with her original opinion. “You guys are crazy!”
At first Ron was VERY skeptical about Karis coming along. When I first mentioned it, his eyebrows joined his hairline. I get that look often. Usually when I have ideas such as this. It took him a few days to come around, and to research it himself until he was on board. Thankfully, he often will support me after the shock wears off! 🙂 😡
Over the next year, plans were put into place. Bookings were made, more research done, and finally – it’s here! June 8th, 2014.
As I type this, the three of us are awaiting our flight to London, England in the Vancouver airport. From there, we will travel to Paris, France where we will spend 2 nights. A train will then take us to Saint Jean Pied de Port in the south of France – and we will begin.
Amazing that we are about to leave for an 800 kilometre walk. Excited. Nervous. And as Karis JUST said as she gazed around the terminal, “there’s no backin’ out now…”
Buen Camino!